BECOME A SMOA TUTORScientific Minds of America (SMOA) is always in need of tutors who can help out. Learn more about how you can make a difference tutoring yourself.
900+ students tutored by SMOA
25,000+ hours of service
900+ SMOA tutors
Fast Facts about SMOA
- Scientific Minds of America (SMOA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in 2015 by high-school and middle-school students
- SMOA strives to provide permanent solutions for the educational inequality in today's world
- SMOA offers free online tutoring for all elementary and middle school students
- SMOA runs camps that teach students academic, non-academic, and life skills that can help them build a better future
- These camps can be in-person or virtual, and can last from one day to multiple weeks
- SMOA offers the President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) to volunteers
OUR INITIATIVESLearn about what we've done recently to improve both our tutoring services and help our community.